GrabSound is a sound grabbing application which requires at least RISC OS 3.5 and a 16-bit sound card, it will detect all 16-bit sound handlers and intercept them (including the one which may already running when GrabSound was started).
When GrabSound detects a sound handler it displays a "Save As" box in order to allow you to save the sound produced into a file. Once you dragged the file icon to the filer GrabSound will start recording the data as a WAVE file (16-bit PCM encoding). The recording process is multitasking and will finish as soon as the sound handler is removed (e.g. the song is stopped or paused) or a new handler is started.
Mouse operations:
While recording:
- click SELECT on the iconbar icon to pause grabbing then SELECT again to resume grabbing.
- click ADJUST on the iconbar icon to stop grabbing.
While waiting for a new sound handler:
- click SELECT/ADJUST on the iconbar icon to toggle GrabSound on/off.
Important notes:
1) The sound will be recorded as played so don't forget to play at full volume and avoid changing setttings while playing (especially the replay frequency).
2) 8-bit sound is not intercepted, I have not found a reliable way to do it.
3) While GrabSound is active no 16-bit sound will be produced even when you don't record it. When you whish to listen to your music toggle GrabSound off from the iconbar icon.
4) Some handlers such as SharedSound are always active even when no sound is produced. In consequence:
+ If you wonder why when starting GrabSound a save box appears while nothing is played, it's because of such an handler. Just cancel the save box.
+ Stopping to play reactivates the old sound handler that was in use before playing started. If a save box appears when you stop playing, once again it will be because of SharedSound sitting there and you can discard the save box.
+ I am not able to detect the start/end of sound played through SharedSound (Replay, Midi synthetiser, ...).
Legal stuff
This program is 'FreeWare' and must not be copied to make a profit. This means that individuals, Public Domain libraries and Disc magazines may distribute GrabSound as long as they charge no more than required by the distribution costs (disc, postage, ...).
You may not distribute modified versions of this program and the program must be distributed as a whole. You are not allowed to use bits of it in your own programs.
This program is supplied as is, and no liability can be accepted for damage or loss resulting from the use or misuse of the software.